Abbotsford Truck Accident Lawyers
Truck drivers provide an essential service to countless residents of British Columbia. Thanks to their efforts, communities throughout the province have access to necessary goods, commercial products, materials, and supplies.
Driving a large, commercial truck can be a difficult job. Many truck drivers find themselves spending long stretches of time behind the wheel of their vehicles. In some cases, the demands of their job can cause truck drivers to develop or indulge in unsafe habits on the road.
Truck drivers may feel compelled to exceed the posted speed limit in order to reach their destinations on time. Racing to meet tight delivery deadlines, truck drivers could violate certain rules of the road or neglect the duty of care they owe to other road-users. They might change lanes improperly, ignore traffic signs or signals, or generally disregard the safety of others.
Furthermore, truck drivers who spend long hours in virtual isolation might indulge in various distractions behind the wheel to help them pass the time. Not only might truck drivers be more inclined to use their cell phones while driving, they could eat full meals while their vehicle is in motion, engage in distracting conversations over their CB radio, preoccupy themselves with finding the right radio station, or otherwise unfocus their attention away from the road.
In addition to adopting unsafe driving habits and entertaining various distractions behind the wheel, truck drivers could rely on stimulants, amphetamines, and other illegal substances to try remaining alert for long periods of time. They could operate their vehicles while fatigued, on very little sleep, after pushing themselves past the point of exhaustion.
When truck drivers engage in negligent conduct, the consequences can be disastrous. Owing to the large difference in size and weight between commercial trucks and smaller passenger vehicles, if a negligent truck driver causes an accident to occur, the occupants of the smaller vehicle could lose their lives. In fact, when collisions between trucks and smaller vehicles occur, the driver of the passenger vehicle is four times more likely to suffer fatal consequences than the truck driver.
In Abbotsford, those who survive near-fatal collisions caused by negligent truck drivers often sustain various types of injuries. If you were injured in a collision before May 1, 2021, our Abbotsford truck accident lawyers may be able to help you pursue a lawsuit against the negligent truck drivers (and, depending on the situation, against their employer or another contributorily negligent third party). By doing so, our truck accident lawyers serving Abbotsford may be able to help you recover compensation for damages you have incurred or will incur in the future as a result of the injuries you sustained in the crash.
On May 1, 2021, ICBC implemented a new no-fault insurance system. Unfortunately, this so-called “enhanced care” model of auto insurance makes it harder than ever for injured survivors of motor vehicle collisions to get the coverage they deserve. Under this new system, injured truck accident survivors are only eligible to sue the at-fault parties in very specific circumstances. If their ICBC claim is denied, or if the settlement amount they receive is not sufficient to replace their total losses, it is now more difficult than ever to appeal the insurer’s unfair decision. If you are concerned about what these changes could mean for your physical and financial recovery after being injured in an Abbotsford truck accident, contact your MLA and encourage them to repeal ICBC’s “enhanced care” insurance system.
Our Abbotsford truck accident lawyers are committed to helping injured members of the local community. At Preszler Injury Lawyers, all prospective clients receive a cost-free, no-obligation initial consultation. To book your free initial consultation with our truck accident lawyers serving Abbotsford, contact us online or call 1-844-373-8202.
Call Today for Your Free Initial Consultation
The aftermath of a serious collision can be confusing, frightening, and overwhelming. To receive the benefit of personalized legal feedback tailored to the specific conditions of your case, schedule a free initial consultation with our Abbotsford truck accident lawyers.
Learn how our truck accident lawyers serving Abbotsford may be able to assist you by calling 1-844-373-8202 today.